In 9th month Dewi Pangrenyep bear a boy. King was very happy and the boy was named Hariang Banga. Hariang Banga has aged 3 months old, but the first empress Pohaci Naganingrum not yet bear her baby. Worry if Pohaci bear a son who later can take king's love from Hariang Banga, Dewi Pangrenyep wants bring misfortune to pohaci's son.
In the 13th month pohaci bear a boy. with Dewi Pangrenyep's efforts not a single lady's maid can help pohaci but Dewi Pangyenyep her self. She replace pohaci's baby with a dog so the people said that pohaci has bear a dog. She put Pohaci's baby with an egg in a golden box and get rid of it at citanduy river.